May 22, 2021

The Red River, Province of Canchis, Cusco, Peru

The Red River is located in the province of Canchis in the region of Cusco, about three hours southeast of the city of Cusco. This entire province lies in the shadow of the great Mount Ausangate, one of the highest peaks in the country and an important regional apu (traditional deity of the Andean mountains). Red River in Cusco is just one more example of the amazing landscape that Peru has to offer.

The Red River in Cusco is known locally as Palquella Pucamayu, from the Quechua palquella (“small branch”) and pucamayu (“red river”). This peculiar waterway runs red for about 5 kilometers before combining with some other local streams and small rivers, at which point the color becomes more diluted and loses its unique shade.

The source of the Red River is located in the nearby valley of Arco Iris Palcoyo Mountain, which together with the other mountains in the region form the Vilcanota Mountain Range. This chain is in turn part of the wider Andean mountain range that extends along the entire spine of South America, forming the longest continental mountain range in the world.

These numerous small tributaries end up flowing into the Vilcamayo River, which crosses the Sacred Valley of Cusco and passes through the famous citadel of Machu Picchu. Further down, this river is known as the Urubamba River before passing through the middle of the notorious Pongo de Mainique canyon as it enters the jungle and finally feeds into the mighty Amazon River.

Cusco’s Red River is formed by rainwater runoff from nearby Rainbow Mountain Palcoyo. The range of colors of this vibrant valley is the result of the different mineral contents of the different soil layers, which have become visible by erosion. The ‘Red’ colour is we see is the because of the presence of red sandstone full of iron oxide. This mineral-rich sedimentary rock gets washed off the hillsides when it rains and turns the water a distinct red or pink hue (the exact tone depends on the volume of rainfall). Now since the colour is visible by erosion (which is caused by rain run-off), this so-called red or pink river can only be visible during Peru’s rainy season months. During the rest of the year, the river’s water level is much lower than during monsoon and its colour is, therefore, kind of muddy-brown.

The dry season, which lasts from May to November, is generally considered the best time to visit Peru in order to avoid any logistical problems due to the climate. However, the Red River of Cusco is only visible during the months of Peru’s rainy season, which lasts approximately from December to April. If you want to see this impressive pastel colored river for yourself, one of the best times to visit is in April, when the rains have started to dissipate but the river water level is still high.
During the rainy season in the Peruvian Highlands, you will get to see how the cherry red waters of Palcoyo’s Red River cut across the emerald green hills and serene farmland, providing a stark contrast against the surrounding pastoral scenery. 

For those who want to extend their adventure into this beautiful part of the Cusco countryside, there are several other interesting things to see in this area, including the classic Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain, the fascinating Q’eswachaka Inca rope bridge, and the majestic Waqrapukara ruins. A visit to this area is easily incorporated into any Cusco itinerary.

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