Jan 5, 2022

Anechoic Chamber - The World's Quietest Place

Anechoic Chamber is a specialized room designed to completely absorb reflections of sound or electromagnetic waves, making it an ideal environment for testing and research in acoustics and electromagnetic radiation. The term "anechoic" literally means "without echo," and these chambers are constructed to simulate a free-field environment, where no external noise or reflections interfere with the measurements or experiments being conducted.

Anechoic Chamber

Key Features of Anechoic Chambers:

  1. Sound Absorption: The walls, ceiling, and floor of an anechoic chamber are lined with sound-absorbing materials, typically foam wedges or fiberglass panels. These materials are arranged in a way that maximizes the absorption of sound waves, preventing them from reflecting back into the room. This results in a space where sound does not bounce around, creating an environment similar to being in an open field.

  2. Isolation from External Noise: Anechoic chambers are often built within a larger structure or have thick walls made of heavy, soundproof materials to block out external noise. This ensures that the measurements inside the chamber are not influenced by outside sounds.

  3. Electromagnetic Shielding: For chambers designed to test electromagnetic waves (RF anechoic chambers), the walls are lined with materials that absorb electromagnetic radiation. These chambers are often used in antenna testing, radar cross-section measurements, and other applications where electromagnetic interference needs to be minimized.

  4. Free-field Environment: In acoustics, a free-field environment is one where sound propagates freely without reflections. Anechoic chambers replicate this condition, allowing precise measurements of sound pressure levels, frequency responses, and other acoustic properties of materials or devices.

  5. Acoustic Deadness: The level of "deadness" or how quiet a chamber is can be described by its cutoff frequency — the frequency below which sound reflections are effectively absorbed. High-quality anechoic chambers can achieve cutoff frequencies as low as 20 Hz, making them suitable for a wide range of acoustic tests.

Applications of Anechoic Chambers:

  1. Acoustic Testing: Anechoic chambers are widely used in the audio industry for testing speakers, microphones, hearing aids, and other audio devices. They allow manufacturers to measure the performance of these devices in a controlled environment without external noise interference.

  2. Product Development and Research: Companies use anechoic chambers to test the acoustic properties of products, such as the noise levels of appliances, automobiles, or electronic devices. This helps in designing quieter and more efficient products.

  3. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing: RF anechoic chambers are used to test electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electronic devices. This ensures that products comply with regulatory standards and do not cause or suffer from unwanted electromagnetic interference.

  4. Aerospace and Defense: Anechoic chambers are used to test the radar signatures of aircraft, missiles, and other defense equipment. This helps in reducing the radar cross-section and enhancing the stealth capabilities of military assets.

  5. Research and Development: Universities and research institutions use anechoic chambers for various studies in acoustics, psychology, and physics. These chambers provide a unique environment for studying how humans perceive sound or the effects of sound on various materials.

    Anechoic Chamber

Design Considerations:

  1. Size and Shape: The size of an anechoic chamber depends on its intended use. Larger chambers are required for testing large objects like vehicles or aircraft parts, while smaller chambers suffice for audio equipment testing. The shape of the chamber, often a cube or rectangular box, is designed to minimize standing waves and maximize sound absorption.

  2. Wedge Depth and Material: The depth and composition of the sound-absorbing wedges or panels affect the frequency range that the chamber can effectively absorb. Deeper wedges provide better absorption at lower frequencies.

  3. Floor Design: Anechoic chambers can have either solid floors or mesh/grating floors. A solid floor provides a stable surface for testing large objects, while a mesh floor, which hides more sound-absorbing material underneath, creates a fully anechoic environment, even at ground level.

  4. Temperature and Humidity Control: Maintaining a controlled environment is crucial, as temperature and humidity can affect the acoustic properties of the chamber. Some tests require strict environmental controls to ensure consistent and accurate results.

Experience Inside an Anechoic Chamber:

Being inside an anechoic chamber can be an unusual and sometimes disorienting experience. The absence of echoes and external noise creates an almost surreal sense of quietness. Some people may hear their own heartbeat, breathing, or even the blood circulating in their ears. This can be unsettling, and some individuals may find it uncomfortable after prolonged exposure. However, this extreme quietness is precisely what makes anechoic chambers invaluable for testing and research purposes.


Anechoic chambers are essential tools in modern acoustics and electromagnetic research, providing an environment where sound and electromagnetic waves behave as they would in free space. Whether used for product development, research, or compliance testing, these chambers play a critical role in advancing technology and understanding the properties of sound and electromagnetic radiation.

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