Jan 16, 2021

The Corpus Museum (Human Biology Museum), Netherlands

The Corpus Museum is a human biology interactive museum, located near Oegstgeest in the Netherlands. Museum is a unique journey through the human body by literally going through a giant building shaped like a human body. The tour and exhibition explains how our bodies work, how the different organs relate to each other and what we can do to keep it healthy.

Museum provides both education and entertainment through a combination of permanent and variable collections. Opened in 2008 by Queen Beatrix, the museum is the world's first museum of its type. It takes you on a journey through the human body and will give you a great inside look in to the human body. The audience goes through the various organs of the human body. Each participant receives an audio tour at the entrance that provides text and explanations during the guided tour accompanied by film, smell and light effects.

This unique museum explains young and old how our bodies function. How does the heart work? What do red blood cells do? What happens when you sneeze? In a trip from head to toe you’ll discover the answers to thousands of questions about the human body. CORPUS uses the latest techniques to make you understand how the human body works. Sounds, 5D effects and gigantic replicas create the illusion of traveling through an actual body. 
The giant orange body at the Corpus Museum is cut in its center by the glass walls of the building, making it appear to be a silhouette. In reality, the orange man is a full body resting half inside and half outside of the museum. The sculpture immediately catches the eye of cars passing down Leiden’s A44 Highway, beckoning them to the unusual museum.

The Corpus Museum’s hour-long tour begins with an escalator ride up the leg to the knee, where visitors will step inside an open wound. Next comes the genital area, where visitors will put on 3D glasses to witness a sperm cell fertilizing an egg. Farther up the giant body come the intestines, where you can witness the digestion of a cheese sandwich before your eyes. After passing through the ventricles of the human heart, visitors reach the head. Here, adults can observe pulsing neurons in the brain, while children can jump atop a giant tongue as a burping sound erupts from a speaker system.

The museum’s upper floor features multiple interactive activities and a cafeteria. As visitors eat, they can look at the giant orange man jutting through the glass walls beside them.

For more information  - Official Website

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