Apr 12, 2020

The Dzüko Valley, Nagaland / Manipur, North East, India

The Dzüko Valley is a valley located in borders of the state of Nagaland and Manipur in northeast India. This valley is well known for its natural environment, seasonal flowers and flora and fauna. It is situated at an altitude of 2452 m above sea level. The valley is famous for its wide range of flowers in every season but the most famous one is the Dzüko Lily and it is found only in this valley.
The word Dzüko is originally derived from the Viswema dialect of the Angamis ‘Dzüko’ which means ‘Soulless and Dull’ referring to when some ancestors of Viswema who moved out to establish a new village in Dzüko, due to the unfavorable weather conditions they were unable to harvest crops which led them to say “the valley is very beautiful but is dull and soulless.” A common misconception is that Dzüko derives its meaning from the Angami word which translates to Cold Water referring to the ice cold stream that flows through the valley. 

Ideal For Trekkers and nature-lovers. June to September is the period when the flowers are in full bloom. However, trekking in the monsoons can be a bit difficult.



The main entry is from the foothills of Viswema village where one can travel to the rest house above Mt. Teyozwü by a Tata Sumo taxi. From here one has to climb forty minutes to the top of the mountain. This is where Dzüko starts but the main valley is still another two hours walk away. One can exit the valley from the same route but if one is planning to come back by foot, the Jakhama route is shorter. Also it can be reached in five hours of trek from Mt. Tempü of Senapati district of Manipur. The new five-hour trek route was opened by MMTA (Manipur Mountaineering and Trekking Association).

Lamkoi, a leading adventure group in Manipur, organise regular trip to Dzuko Valley every year. Also, there are many NGOs and adventure tour operators, who organize treks to the Dzüko Valley. There is a Helipad just next to the Guest house however no service is seen in the last few years. There has been disputes for years between the two states regarding the ownership of Dzuko Valley with both the states. However, geographically the valley shares both Manipur and Nagaland territories despite claims which were demarcated by the British colonial and followed by the government of India upon the division of statehood.

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